Compensation solutions

Every company needs to ensure excellence to achieve its business goals, be it to increase market share, boost profitability or even to avoid crises. To do this, a compensation strategy that channels employees’ energies into generating value for shareholders is fundamental. When a company offers the right stimulus to its employees, it is paving the way to sustainable success.

A SG Comp Partners understands market dynamics and helps to structure companies for growth. In addition to designing the most suitable solutions for the moment of each company, we act as strategic partners in governance and in performance management.

what we do

A SG Comp Partners designs and implements compensation programs, as well as develops projects to drive specialization and complementary synergies. Details of our areas of activity.

Compensation programs

• Development of executive compensation diagnostics and compensation philosophies
• Execution of salary surveys and total compensation studies
• Design of job, career and fixed compensation structures
• Creation and/or review of variable compensation plans:

• Sales incentives plans
• Profit sharing plans
• Awards
• Executive bonuses
• Long-term incentives

• Variable sales remuneration
• Participation in profits or results
• Awards
• Executive bonuses
• Long-term incentives

• Drawing up of compensation policies for board members

governance and performance

• Development and facilitation of appraisal processes for boards of directors
• Formation of and participation in people management and compensation advisory committees
• Design and implementation of performance management and appraisal programs
• Support and guidance in the definition of specific and individual performance targets
• Development and application of internal communication programs


• Development and facilitation of appraisal processes for boards of directors
• Formation of and participation in people management and compensation advisory committees
• Design and implementation of performance management and appraisal programs
• Support and guidance in the definition of specific and individual performance targets
• Development and application of internal communication programs
• Development and application of internal communication programs